Ein Mann und eine Frau lachend auf einer Dachterrasse

Sustainability at Volkswagen Immobilien.

Our activities, our responsibility.

The earth’s resources are only available to humankind to a limited extent, yet they are being consumed at a faster rate than at any other time in our history. Sustainability has a bearing on all areas of life and is frequently associated with the environmental aspect of the term. This aspect is especially relevant to Volkswagen Immobilien because the building sector is responsible for around 40% of energy consumption and roughly 30% of national carbon dioxide emissions. Equally indispensable to us, however, are social and governance aspects, not least because they play a role in shaping our corporate culture and strategy and help to determine our day-to-day business activities.

At Volkswagen Immobilien, we are convinced that sustainable activities covering all three aspects of sustainability are essential to the future viability of our company, but also to our coming generations.

BLUE LIVING. The Volkswagen Immobilien Sustainability Report 2023.

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Our focus areas.

A focus on the environment. Treating the climate and resources with respect.

Climate change mitigation and decarbonisation.

Decarbonisation is a key element of VWI’s climate change mitigation programme. In order to adhere to the two-degree target laid down in the Paris Agreement, VWI is significantly reducing its carbon emissions.

A focus on social aspects. A needs-based and holistic approach.

A focus on corporate governance. Progressive and responsible-minded.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Just like the Volkswagen Group, Volkswagen Immobilien is also committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations as part of its 2030 Agenda. In order to align our sustainability strategy as closely as possible with the SDGs, we have conducted an analysis to determine which of Volkswagen Immobilien’s business activities have a significant impact on the SDGs. To this end, opportunities and risks along the value chain are evaluated and assigned to the SDGs. In the second step, assessments work out the SDGs to which we already contribute with our different focus areas.

Read more about our goals and developments in the area of sustainability.


kg/m²/a CO2 carbon footprint for our total portfolio

(status as at 17/06/2024)


per cent of management positions held by women

(2023 reporting year)


green bonds issued in EUR million

(since May 2018)

Sustainable news.

There is a real emphasis on social responsibility at Volkswagen Immobilien. Here is our latest news in the areas of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability.

Your contact. We are at your service.

If you have any questions on the subject of sustainability at Volkswagen Immobilien, please get in touch with: