Fröhliche Frau beim Fernsehen

Cable TV: This has changed. Why you need your own contract.

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We are there for you. Use our tenant services.

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Volkswagen Immobilien
Poststraße 28, 38440 Wolfsburg
Telefon: 05361 – 264 0

  • how to find us

Opening hours

Opening hours main office:
Monday to Thursday: 09:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 15:00
Friday: 09:00 – 12:00

Opening hours sales office Steimker Gärten:
directly at Quartiersplatz on
Steimker Promenade, 38446 Wolfsburg
Thursday 13:00 – 16:00
As well as by prior arrangement by telephone.


outside business hours
Emergency: 05361 264 222.

Eine ältere Frau liest ein Dokument.

Service charge settlement Overview for tenants: Questions and answers on the subject of service charges.

What exactly do operating costs actually include and how are they calculated? We have the most important information for you.

FAQ for tenants.

As a tenant, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

Volkswagen Immobilien
Poststraße 28
38440 Wolfsburg

Phone 05361 / 264 – 0
Fax 05361 / 264 – 110