Volkswagen Immobilien annual reports. Facts, figures and dates.

Transparent communication is considered an essential building block for sustainable success.
And our figures speak for themselves.

Volkswagen Immobilien key figures.


Employees, 2023

limited and unlimited

Environment Overall Portfolio Overview.

2023 2022 Change
Number of residential properties 9.485 9.485 0,0 %
Total area of residential properties 639.399 m² 639.249 m² 0,0 %
Number of commercial properties 94 97 -3,1 %
Total area of commercial properties 413.212 m² 541.746 m² -23,7 %

Key financial figures of Volkswagen Immobilien.


Sales (in € million), 2023

Financial information (€ m) 2023 2022 Change
Sales revenue 170,7 245,0 -30,3 %
Funds from Operations 63,4 55,0 15,3 %
Operating profit 31,8 38,1 -16,6 %
Profit before tax (IFRS) 30,6 32,7 -6,5 %
Profit after tax (IFRS) 21,4 24,1 -11,2 %
Fixed assets 920,5 929,4 -1,0 %
Investments (incl. financial investments) 23,57 153,0 -84,6 %
Net assets 984,9 1.019,9 -3,4 %
Cashflow from ongoing business 49 82,7 -40,7 %
Gross cash flow 53,6 55,1 -2,6 %

Income statement.


Revenue (€ k), 2023

k € 2023 2022
Revenue 170.746,4 245.030,0
Thereof residential assets 69.068,4 75.281,0
Thereof residential assets 65.613,7 63.216,0
Thereof project and lease management 9.624,6 89.735,6
Thereof facility management 16.110,8 9.761,1
Thereof others 10.328,8 7.036,3

Balance sheet.

k €
2023 2022
Assets 984.876,8 1.019.943,9
Non-current assets 920.530,8 929.393,1
Current assets 64.346,0 90.550,8
Equity and liabilities 984.876,8 1.019.943,9
Equity 296.553,0 300.270,8
Non-current liabilities 474.149,1 577.333,6
Current liabilitie 214.174,7 142.339,5

Business and sustainability indicators.

Volkswagen Immobilien Company Reports. Sustainability reports, financial reports and corporate blog.

Room for development and growth:
Volkswagen Immobilien takes stock – and continues to build on its successes.

Sustainability at Volkswagen Immobilien.

We are convinced that sustainable action is essential for the future viability of our company, but also for our coming generations.